Awards and Accolades
Awards and Accolades

Received Lifetime Achievement Award by the Indian Medical Association, for contribution to psychosocial interventions in disasters, public awareness on mental health, medical education, and service to the community.
Recognised as “Most Trusted Neuro-Psychiatrist of the year“ by APS All-India Rising Leadership Awards 2017 in recognition of best practices in patient care and outcomes

Lauded as a “Healthcare Legend“ in Tamilnadu. Received award from Dr. J. Radhakrishnan, Principal Secretary (Health and Family Welfare), Tamilnadu
The Government of Telengana has acknowledgedDr. Gauthamadas Medical Excellence Award Dr. Gautham as the Healthcare Personality of the Year 2018. The award was bestowed at the Indywood Medical Excellence Awards.

s Neuro Centre, ranked among top 15 Neuro Science Centers in South India, by the Times of India National Hospital Survey 2017.
Docgautham’s Neuro Center selected as a Best Medical Practice in the Middle East, for safe and effective patient care and treatment.

Dr. Gautham recognised in 2005 for his work in 53 Tsunami affected villages in Tamilnadu. Lauded by the Governor of Tamilnadu Hon. Surjit Singh Barnala who also released Dr. Gautham’s Handbook For Lay Counsellors.

Awarded the International Toothed Wheel Prize by the Rotary Club of Salzberg for the best International environment protection project – 1992.
Invited by the Government of India to form part of an expert group to draft the National Disaster Management Guidelines – Psychosocial Support and Mental Health Services in 2007, and to review the draft Guidelines in 2008.
Invited by the World Heath Organization to serve as resource person, from India, for the Early Childhood Care and Development program in developing countries – 1993 to 1996.
Invited by the Child-to-Child Trust, London to serve as Honorary Director of the Child-to-Child South India Resource Group, 1996 to 1999, overseeing and auditing projects in South India.
Dr. Gautham’s Handbook for Community Counselor Trainers is cataloged by the Library of Congress, USA, and the National Library of the Government of India.
It is recommended by the Disaster Risk Management Team of UNDP and the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India and forms part of the government of India’s Disaster Risk Management Program toolkit for “Mainstreaming Disability in Disaster Management.”
It is recommended by the Australian Disability and Development consortium.
The handbook is one of the recommended material by the Association for Development of Education in Africa.
The book has been translated into Japaneseand has been used for counselling the traumatised survivors of Japan’s worst-ever disaster (combined earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear leak) of 2011.
It has also been translated into Romanianand used to cousel survivors of the great Romanian earthquake.
Featured in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mission 2009 document.
His work is said to have been instrumental in shaping the Sri Lanka government’s Disaster Management Road Map.