Autism Tips
Tips to manage difficult behaviour in Autism
Tips for managing difficult behaviour in Autism
Coping with a child with autism can be very difficult. On this page you will find tips to handle some of the difficult behaviours.
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Behaviour has a function and that there could be a number of reasons for it. your child may have difficulty in processing information; may be over-sensitive or under-sensitive to something; there may have been a change in routine; the child may be feeling unwell, tired or hungry. If you do not understand this the child may become anxious, angery or frustrated when unable to communicate with you. This may lead to an outburst of difficult behaviour. It is important to bear in mind that your child’s difficult behaviour is not your fault and that there is a reason for the behaviour which needs to be identified.

It is really important to try and keep as calm as possible so that your child is unable to ‘feed’ off your reaction. It is also important to be consistent in your approach and for the other adults around to use the same consistent approach, so that your child does not get mixed messages and can be really clear about what is expected.
Children with an Autism are often strong visual learners and can have difficulties with short-term memory. It can be very effective to use visual supports such as pictures, to help your child really understand the information.
Using rewards and motivators can help to persuade your child finish a task that they do not want to do, or to encourage a particular behaviour. Even if the behaviour or task is very short, eg one minute, if it is followed by lots of praise and a reward, the child learns what behaviour is acceptable. But if the undesirable behaviour is met with a lack of attention and redirection, it is likely to stop.
Possible reasons:
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Pinching, kicking, slapping
Possible reasons:
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Smearing self with fecal matter
Possible reasons:
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Hair pulling
Possible reasons:
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Possible reasons:
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Eating unwanted things
Possible reasons:
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Difficult behaviour can often be defused by physical activity such as running around the house in a chasing game, that releases energy or pent-up anger or anxiety.