Lifestyle management of Fibromyalgia
Lifestyle changes can lessen the severity of fibromyalgia pain or fatigue.
It is vital for people with fibromyalgia to learn how to self-manage symptoms with exercise and other lifestyle habits. Stress may play an important role in triggering fibromyalgia symptoms. Therefore stress-management is a key factor in dealing with fibromyalgia.
You may be surprised to know that exercise is one of the treatments for fibromyalgia. Studies show that exercise helps restore the body’s neurochemical balance by boosting levels of natural endorphins and serotonin that have an analgesics. Exercise also keeps the muscles and joints supple. Low impact exercise such as swimming, cycling, yoga, walking, tai-chi, stretching etc., help releive the pain and fatigue of Fibromyalgia.
Soaking in a warm bath, hot tub, or sauna or standing under a warm shower will help to relax tense muscles, reduce pain, and improve movement. easily. Warm, moist heat also raises levels of endorphins and decrease levels of stress hormones. A warm bath before bedtime can also help sleep be more restful.
Eliminating or reducing coffee intake can also help. There is a very strong correlation between caffeine use & pain. Caffeine makes every muscle in your body more tense. Getting off caffeine can reduce the pain of fibromyalgia, and sometimes eliminates pain. Cutting down from a lot to a little helps. Going from a little to nothing helps even more. Coffee also interferes with your sleep.
Sleep is very important in the management of fibromyalgia. It is important that you make sure your body is totally prepared for rest. You can’t sleep if there is light in your room or if a TV is blaring in another room. Make sure your room is quiet, dark, and cool. Use earplugs if you are sensitive to noise, and wear an eye mask to block light.

Eliminate afternoon caffeine from your diet, and exercise regularly — although not near bedtime. Sometimes a snack that’s high in carbohydrates just before going to bed can help induce sleep because it boosts levels of serotonin in your body.
Make modifications in your work to reduce physical strain. Make sure that you have comfortable seats with a firm, upright back. Place your computer monitor at a height that does not require you to strain your neck (definitely not on top of your work table). Reduce trudging up and down stairs. Avoid carrying heavy weights and stooping to work. Use a laptop, if possible. move around and stretch frequently. And take a power nap if you feel tired or fatigued.
Take special care during periods of illness (viral fevers, a flu, or common cold) and hormonal changes (such as menstrual periods) that are well known to trigger fibromyalgia.
And, last, but not the least, identify and avoid triggers of your fibromyalgia. These include change in the weather, over-exertion, emotional stress, injury, temperature changes, lack of sleep or changes in sleep routine, travel, and allergies.