How to Handle Loneliness
Loneliness is a feeling of a strong sense of emptiness, unwantedness, unimportance and solitude. It can be due to the loss of loved ones or be a sign of clinical depression.Here you will find some tips on handling or or ways to overcome loneliness or reactive depression. Overcoming situational factors that give rise to loneliness is a key to fighting depression.
We all need people, — for love and our other needs, but perhaps not as much as we might suppose. As we grow we have to leave the protective world that our parents provided. This step can be frightening, especially when you lose a parent early. Many people spend their adult lives looking for substitute “parents” to give emotional support.
When you are all by yourself self-acceptance and acceptance of your situation, are what you need. The love and acceptance from family, while they satisfied you in earlier times, may now not be available. Self-acceptance can be extremely satisfying, especially when devoted to a charitable cause, religious activities, or humanity in general.
Also, while it is important to make money to exist, survive, and pay off our debts, it is even more important to spend some quality time together, even if it is few minutes, as a family. . Spend a FEW MINUTES a day together. JUST ENJOYING EACH OTHERS’ PRESENCE.
We always tend to think of our children selfishly i.e. what we have gained (or lost) from them. But have you thought about it from your children’s angle? How lucky they must be to be born to parents, who, even in the worst of times, care for them and love them? God must surely have chosen well. This is the time for you to rally around him and find ways of helping them develop themselves. You have to teach them to be self-dependant and generate self esteem. We must educate our children to the realities of life and its transience. We must make them realise that it may be better for old and infirm to depart from this world rather than suffer the pain and indignity of illness and disability.
Accept the fact that you are ultimately alone and that you, and you alone, can elevate your family to happy times!!
Put more faith on your God. Act. Don’t wait. Do it NOW. God be with you.

When we decide to end our aloneness, we need to make the first move rather than waiting for someone to rescue us, and we must accept the risks and effort that are required. Action means more than just “going out”; we also make an effort to gain the skills that are lacking. And we can develop psychological qualities such as self-confidence, tolerance, understanding, and happiness. Loneliness retreats when our actions meet our needs. Not only that, when the action leads to financial returns it can go a long way to easing the financial stress on the family.
Have you considered joining an action group? Or forming one yourself, if one is not available in your neighbourhood? When our attention is absorbed in a private adventure, we find comfort and a self-generated warmth which equals that from family. And when this involves others who share similar circumstances you may find that you get much more out of giving love to others who are affected than from expecting love from your family. The action group will also help you learn to rely on yourself for more things. Sometimes we seek from others the things that can best be secured from ourselves.
Sharing burdens can help you overcome your feelings of helplessness and guilt. Have you thought of getting a job and sharing the burden with your husband or a significant “other”? Have you thought of involving other family members in all this? Taking control of your life makes molehills out of situations that we may currently be viewing as mountains.
Find meaningful activities while alone. In solitude, you tend to worry and rattle around with anxiety, self-pity, and guilt. But this period of time can be, instead, an opportunity to indulge in yourself.