Treatment Options
Several treatments are available for behavioural disorders. They include
- Medication
- Psychotherapy
- Counselling
- Hospitalization
- Brain stimulation

Medication: Several types of medications may help with various behavior disorder symptoms.
- Antidepressant medications. Antidepressants are used to treat depressed mood, anger, impulsivity, irritability or hopelessness, which may or may not be associated with personality disorders
- Mood-stabilizing medications. Mood stabilizers are used to stabilize mood swings or reduce irritability, impulsiveness and aggression.
- Anxiolytic medication: Anti-anxiety medicines are used to treat anxiety, agitation or insomnia.
- Antipsychotic medications. These are used to treat psychosis (losing touch with reality) or even in some cases extreme anxiety or anger problems.
Hospitalization:In some cases, a behaviour disorder may be so severe that hospitalization is required. Hospitalization is just like getting admitted for a severe fever. It is recommended only when the you are not able to care for yourself properly or when you’re in immediate danger of harming yourself or someone else. We admit our patients in a general nursing home catering to all other medical and surgical problems.
Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is the process of treating by talking about the mental condition and related issues. During psychotherapy, details about the disorder, mood, feelings, thoughts and behavior are discussed. Using the insight and knowledge gained in psychotherapy, the person who is being treated can learn healthy ways to manage the symptoms in particular and life in general.
Types of psychotherapy used include:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy. This aims to bring about a cure through a goal-oriented, systematic procedure that challenges dysfunctional emotions, behaviors and cognitions in order to develop new insights into motivation for the concerned behaviour. Cognitive therapy programs train people to replace maladaptive cognitive styles with helpful thinking patterns and increase behavioural coping skills.
- Dialectical behavior therapy. This aims to teach behavioral skills to help tolerate stress, regulate emotions and improve relationships with others.
- Psychodynamic psychotherapy. This aims to increase awareness of unconscious thoughts and behaviors, and resolve conflicts.
- Psychoeducation. This aims to impart knowledge about the disorder, including treatments, coping strategies and problem-solving skills.